Outside the Party

Drezzie's bar is open late tonight for an extended happy hour to celebrate the birth of his first grand-child. Drinks flow and the mood in the room is as jovial as ever with the worries of yesterday and tomorrow left behind at the door.
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Deonis Harik
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Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:10 pm

Outside the Party

Post by Deonis Harik » Sat May 01, 2021 5:19 am

Deonis stood outside the establishment leaning against the wall looking up to the sky. Deonis wasn't one for crowds most of the time, he had after all spent the last few years avoiding them. Outside was nice, it was quiet, the din of conversation and music dulled to background noise.

The solitude was nice, he wasn't sure why he came here. These people only knew him through jobs he's done they weren't friends. Deonis sighed the distorted sound reminded him he had a helmet on, strange how you can forget things like that when they become a constant. It was a pretty night though peaceful in a way, he wasn't used to peaceful or at least wasn't used to appreciating it.

For now the large armored man stood beside the building just relaxing. Suppose sometimes just proximity to people, even if you aren't part of the group but just being around them can help the world feel less lonely sometimes.
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